In terms of application, triaxial compression testing is often used to provide strength information at the top of a slope or embankment, while triaxial extension is considered for the toe or base of the slope or embankment. When compared to the direct shear test, triaxial is considered more versatile, allows drainage to be well controlled and the failure plane can occur anywhere (not just on a specific horizontal plane).
Frequently Asked Questions
The LoadTrac II is a versatile load frame that can easily be upgraded to perform additional test types by purchasing required software and accessories. Incremental Consolidation, Swell, Unconfined Compression, and California Bearing Ratio are popular tests performed on the load frame alone. Constant Rate Consolidation is an option with the addition of one FlowTrac pressure & volume control flow pump. Triaxial (UU, CU, CD) and Stress Path testing is possible with one to two FlowTrac flow pumps. For those interested in cyclic/dynamic testing, addition of a Cyclic/RM controller and hardware allows for Resilient Modulus testing, and then combined with a FlowTrac allows for Cyclic Triaxial testing. Contact one of our sales team today to discuss all available configurations and options.