Geocomp > Soil > Standard Test Methods for Amount of Material in Soils Finer Than the No. 200 (75-µm) Sieve

Standard Test Methods for Amount of Material in Soils Finer Than the No. 200 (75-µm) Sieve

Test Method Title

Standard Test Methods for Amount of Material in Soils Finer Than the No. 200 (75-µm) Sieve

Reference Number

ASTM D1140



Test Property

% finer than #200 sieve

Description of Test

A specimen of the soil is washed over a 75-um (No. 200) sieve. Clay and other particles that are dispersed by the wash water, as well as water-soluble materials, are removed from the soil during the test. The loss in mass resulting from the wash treatment is calculated as mass percent of the original sample and is reported as the percentage of material finer than a 75-um (No. 200) sieve by washing.

Number of Test Specimens


Test Specimen Size

Material passing #10 sieve of 115 grams for sandy soil and 65 grams for silt and clay soil


Fines, particle size analysis, Passing 200, Percent finer, sieve analysis, washing