Geocomp > Soil > Standard Test Method for Volume Weights, Water-Holding Capacity, and Air Capacity of Water-Saturated Peat Materials

Standard Test Method for Volume Weights, Water-Holding Capacity, and Air Capacity of Water-Saturated Peat Materials

Test Method Title

Standard Test Method for Volume Weights, Water-Holding Capacity, and Air Capacity of Water-Saturated Peat Materials

Reference Number

ASTM D2980



Test Property

Saturated Volume Weights

Description of Test

The test method sets up standardized conditions for measuring the volume and weight of water-saturated peat. From these data, saturated volume weights, water-holding capacity on a weight and volume basis, dry peat volumes, and air volumes can be determined.

Number of Test Specimens


Test Specimen Size

1.4 in diameter x 10 in high, compacted column of material passing the #4 sieve


Peat, water, water retention