Geocomp > Other > Standard Test Method for Sand Content by Volume of Bentonitic Slurries

Standard Test Method for Sand Content by Volume of Bentonitic Slurries

Test Method Title

Standard Test Method for Sand Content by Volume of Bentonitic Slurries

Reference Number

ASTM D 4381


Bentonite Slurry

Test Property

Sand Content

Description of Test

The glass measuring tube of the sand-screen set is filled with Bentonite slurry and water to the appropriate marks and shaken. The mixture is poured through the wet screen. The funnel is fitted over the top of the screen and the assembly inverted, inserting the tip of the funnel into the glass measuring tube. All material is washed from the screen and the amount of sand read in the graduated tube, as percent by volume.

Number of Test Specimens


Test Specimen Size

Approximately 500g


Bentonite, content, Sand, slurry