Test Method Title
Standard Test Method for Hydraulic Conductivity Ratio (HCR) Testing of Soil/Geotextile Systems
Reference Number
ASTM D5567
Soil-Geosynthetic Interaction
Test Property
Hydraulic conductivity ratio
Description of Test
This test method presents a procedure for performing permeability tests of soil/geotextile systems. The technique requires placement of the soil and geotextile in a flexible-wall permeameter. The soil/geotextile specimen is saturated using de-aired water and back pressure techniques. The specimen is consolidated at the effective stress anticipated in the proposed application. The sample is then permeated with water. The hydraulic conductivity of the soil/geotextile specimen is measured and plotted as a function of elapsed time and volume of water passing through the sample. The hydraulic conductivity may either increase or decrease during the test, depending on the behavior of the geotextile filter. The test is terminated when a stabilized hydraulic conductivity decreases below the minimum value allowed by the drainage design.
Number of Test Specimens
Test Specimen Size
geosynthetic - 4" diameter soil - 4" diameter x 4" high
clogging, HCR, hydraulic conductivity ratio