Test Method Title
Standard Test Method for Elastic Moduli of Undrained Intact Rock Core Specimens in Triaxial Compression Without Pore Pressure Measurements **ASTM has discontinued this method, the industry-accepted standard test method is now ASTM D7012B
Reference Number
ASTM D5407
Test Property
Young's Modulus, Poisson's ratio
Description of Test
A rock core sample is cut to length and the ends are machined flat. The specimen is placed in a triaxial loading chamber subjected to confining pressure and, if required, heated to the desired test temperature. Axial load is continuously increased on the specimen, and deformation is monitored as a function of load. Deformation and strength of rock are known to be functions of confining pressure. The triaxial compression test is commonly used to simulate the stress conditions under which most underground rock masses exist.
Number of Test Specimens
Enough samples to represent a valid average of the type of rock under consideration
Test Specimen Size
Right circular cylinder, with diameter of at least 1 7/8 in and a length to diameter ratio of 2 to 2.5
Compression testing, loading tests, modulus of elasticity, modulus-Young's, triaxial compression