Geocomp > Geosynthetic > Standard Test Method for Determining Average Bonding Peel Strength Between the Top and Bottom Layers of Needle-Punched Geosynthetic Clay Liners

Standard Test Method for Determining Average Bonding Peel Strength Between the Top and Bottom Layers of Needle-Punched Geosynthetic Clay Liners

Test Method Title

Standard Test Method for Determining Average Bonding Peel Strength Between the Top and Bottom Layers of Needle-Punched Geosynthetic Clay Liners

Reference Number

ASTM D6496


Geosynthetic Clay Liner

Test Property

Bonding peel strength

Description of Test

The top and bottom layers of a geosynthetic clay liner are gripped individually in tensile grips and pulled at a constant rate of extension by a tensile testing machine until the top and bottom layers of the specimen separate. The average bonding peel strength of the test specimen can be calculated from machine scales, dials, recording charts or an interface computer.

Number of Test Specimens

5 in machine direction

Test Specimen Size

4" x 8"


bonding strength, clay, GCL, geosynthetic, geosynthetic clay liner, peel strength