Soil testing
The Quarry Hills Recreational Complex was constructed on a 446acre site in Quincy, and Milton, Massachusetts. The project involved testing and placing nearly 13 million tons of soils, imported from Boston’s Central Artery/Tunnel (CA/T) project, to cap four unlined landfills. Quarry Hills Associates’ plan involved a multi-sport recreational complex that would seamlessly blend in with the existing features of the surrounding areas and maintain the breathtaking views of downtown Boston and its harbor. Four baseball fields, two soccer fields, a 27-hole championship golf course, hiking trails and rock climbing sites will be in use once completed. By using soil excavated from the CA/T project, almost $40 million was saved.
GeoTesting Express, Inc. (GTX)’s challenge was to provide laboratory testing of physical properties on all materials imported to the project site. Materials used for various components of the landfill cap included low permeability soil, loam and subgrade. Over the sevenyear project span, GTX picked up bulk and undisturbed samples from the site and brought them to our laboratory for testing. Testing included:
To keep field operations moving, GTX provided verbal permeability results as soon as testing was complete.