The Challenge

  • Runway expansion with MSE walls
  • Active runway over a major highway

Runway 9R-27L at the Fort Lauderdale – Hollywood International Airport is being expanded / lengthened to increase capacity. This will be only the third airport in the US with an active runway over a major highway. Mechanical Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls, which range up to 50 feet in height, are being used in conjunction with the runway expansion. FDOT Specification 548 requires the preparation and implementation of an instrumentation plan to monitor the walls during construction and during the settlement period.


The Solution

Due to our expertise in MSE wall design and construction, Odebrecht-CFE joint venture, called upon Geocomp Engineering to prepare and implement the MSE wall monitoring plan. Our first step was to review all available data including, but not limited to, geotechnical reports and soil borings. From this information, we prepared a monitoring plan which included: prisms, settlement platforms, crack gages, strain gages, and inclinometers. In addition to instrumentation recommendations, our plan also included provisions for installing and retrieving durability samples of the reinforcing strips. Evaluations of metal losses at specific periods in the life of the walls will confirm expected behavior.

Samples will be pulled at ten year increments beginning at 10 years and ending at 90. As power was not available on the site, Geocomp also designed and installed solar panels to power the data loggers required for automated data acquisitions.

Services Provided

Monitoring Plan

Prepared a monitoring plan and instrumentation recommendations

Risk Management

Evaluation and mitigation services for wall design and construction

Power Installations

Designed and installed solar panels to power the data loggers

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Value Delivered:

Research concluded that “high fines” soils can
be safely used as reinforced fill and decrease the cost
of MSE wall construction
Revelstoke MSE Wall

Revelstoke MSE Wall

Value Delivered:

Expertise with corrosion of buried metallic

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