Advanced Thermo-geomechanics
Performed advanced thermo-geomechmanical analysis on the stability of salt caverns
The cold compressed gas storage concept involves storing cold gas in an existing salt cavern under pressure and removing the gas during peak demand times. More gas can be stored in a fixed volume by lowering the gas temperature and increasing its pressure producing an economic advantage. Performance of an underground cavern depends on the physical and mechanical properties of the surrounding rock. Storing cold, compressed gas in underground caverns provides a safe, economical storage and supply of natural gas.
Geocomp was part of a team engaged to examine the feasibility of storing compressed cold natural gas in underground caverns located in the southwestern part of New York State. GeoTesting Express developed equipment and test methods to measure strength and stiffness of salt cores and dolomite samples at temperatures down to -200F. The test results conclusively show that chilling the rock to temperatures as low as -150F does not degrade the mechanical and physical properties of the saltstone and dolomite. On the contrary, the data show that the strength of rock increases with decreasing temperature.